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CTONIA, 2020
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton, wood
variable dimensions

RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton
variable dimensions

Entanglement, in terms of non-separability, is a phenomenon discovered by quantum physics involving two or more sub-atomic particles, or “entities”, that condition and communicate with each other over a distance. This means that there are no isolated systems, everything resonates with the whole and from this link rises our everyday life and the way we interact. Weaving means creating, to evolve. It represents the will to generate something from one’s own existence: interweaving atavistic heritage and becoming part of individual or collective history. It is a very feminine, ancestral, maternal work; a return to the origins, to the family, to holding things together: ties, culture, intertwining of relationships, dependencies, feelings, and traditions. We weave knowledge and history, the space and the time in which the ideal world and reality continually intersect. As a consequence, it is the sum of our choices and experiences. The ritual act of weaving accentuates the passing of time in its variables of doing and undoing, just as human and sentimental relationships are interwoven and built.


Entanglement significa non-separabilità, aggrovigliamento, è un fenomeno scoperto dalla fisica quantistica, che coinvolge due o più particelle subatomiche, o “entità”, che si condizionano e comunicano a distanza.Questo significa che non esistono sistemi isolati, ogni cosa risuona con il tutto e questo legame scaturisce la nostra quotidianità e il nostro modo di interagire. Tessere significa creare, evolversi, è la volontà di generare qualcosa della propria esistenza: intreccio di eredità ataviche e divenire della storia individuale e collettiva. È un lavoro molto femminile, ancestrale, materno; è un ritorno alle origini, alla famiglia, al tenere insieme le cose: i legami, la cultura; è l’intreccio di relazioni, dipendenze, sentimenti e tradizioni. Si tesse la conoscenza e la storia, lo spazio e il tempo in cui si intersecano costantemente mondo ideale e realtà inevitabile, di conseguenza è la somma delle nostre scelte ed esperienze. La ritualità nell’atto del tessere accentua lo scandire del tempo nelle sue variabili nel fare e disfare, così come si intrecciano e costruiscono i rapporti umani e sentimentali.

Entanglement 003, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton, wood
variable dimensions

Entanglement 005, 2015
RA-4on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 001, 2014-2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton
variable dimensions

Entanglement 010, 2015-2016
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 003, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 013, 2015-2016
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton, wood
variable dimensions

Entanglement 01, 2015-2016
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 013, 2015-2016
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton


RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven, wood
variable dimensions

All the world is green, 2016-2019
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton 218×207x1

All the world is green, 2016-2019
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton 218×207x1


Entanglement 014, 2016
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Mediterraneo, 2016-2019
RA-4on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Mediterraneo, 2016-2019
RA-4on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton


RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton, wood
variable dimensions

Entanglement 002, 2015 
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 007, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 007, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 008, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 011, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton
variable dimensions

Entanglement 004 - 016, 2015-2016
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton
variable dimensions
2015 - 2016

Entanglement 004, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 016, 2016
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 016, 2016
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton


Entanglement 006, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 015, 2016
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 009, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton

Entanglement 01, 2015
RA-4 on emulsified paper then woven and sewed with cotton